Daily Archives: April 25, 2011

A book?

And So What We Have Learned Applies to Our Lives Today…

At the end of each Veggie Tales movie there is a little song that is played. They lyrics are And so what we have learned applies to our lives today and God has a lot to say in his book. And so we know that God’s word is for everyone so now that our song is done, let’s take a look; and I though I normally agree with Bob the Tomato and think it’s a slightly annoying song, I also think it’s appropriate for toady.

I was reflecting on the season of Lent and what I learned through that time. Some of what I learned was kind of new, but mostly they were fresh reminders.

First of all, I was reminded of how significant sacrifice really is. It has been a while since the weight of sacrifice really hit me. But it did during this season.

Second, I was reminded of how we need each other. To have people know what is going on in our lives and then to actually ask and check in- that is one of God’s amazing blessings. There were many moments through the season of Lent that someone actually asked me how I was doing with my commitment. It kept me on target. We really do need each other.

Then I had this thought on Saturday of Holy Week. I started thinking about what it would have been like to have known Jesus and then to realize on that Saturday that he was really gone- dead. And I wondered, could I make it through a whole day of not being able to talk to Jesus? That thought made me realize just how much I rely on my relationship with Jesus. To think that I would not be able to connect with him at all… I didn’t like that idea. I realized just how much I need Jesus to get through every day.

So that is what I learned through this season of Lent.