Daily Archives: April 9, 2011

Closer to Holy Week

John 6:60-71

Remember the scripture from yesterday? How deeply it is connected to communion and our need for Jesus? Well what did you think about it? What is your reaction to Jesus saying “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you” (6:53)? It’s not an easy thing to process.

It actually causes some of Jesus’ disciples to leave.

We are getting closer to Holy Week. As we approach that week and as lent comes to a conclusion, I think now is the perfect time for us to really examine what Jesus says to us and ask if we are wiling to submit to him. Do we desire to be motivated by love for Jesus and nothing else? Are we following Jesus just because of the stuff he can give us and do for us? (Like feeding us bread…) Are we willing to work through the hard sayings of Jesus so we can learn about him and fall deeper in love with him?