Daily Archives: April 18, 2011

Record LEGO Tower in Brazil

100ft LEGO Tower Built in Brazil | ChurchIT.

It’s even in the same city as my Brazilian Family!

Holy Week at Home

Some of our parents have been looking for ideas for Holy Week. Below are a few sites that could give some ideas of things to do at home—

So some of these ideas are kind of more young-kid focused, but there are some good ideas at these sites. Also I’ll be posting a scripture reading and thoughts/questions each morning this week on my blog. Some of these articles are definitely written with a big class in mind, but there are bits that could be good discussions and ideas at home to. You might have to dig through them a little bit to really find an idea you like. Hope they help!





I Don’t Get It….

John 12:9-19

Yesterday we celebrated Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. It really was a mixed time. In the book of John, the event that happens right before the great parade is that Jesus brings Lazarus back from the dead. He was dead! And Jesus made him come back to life! So with that in mind, a parade into the city makes total sense! Everyone is thinking about this amazing miracle and they cannot wait to see what Jesus will do next. But what Jesus realizes is that in less than a week, none of them will stand by him. Most of them will be cheering for his death. That is crazy.

So here are the disciples, Jesus’ friends, watching all of this. By the end of the week, they don’t get it. They don’t understand how Jesus could do such amazing things, be the center of a parade, and then be killed. It is not until Jesus rises from the dead that it makes sense to them.

It made me think: how many times do I feel confused over what God is doing? Sometimes I just don’t understand life. But if I wait for God to make it clear, then it all makes sense. It’s just the waiting part that is not so fun. What about you? Have there been moments in your life that did not make sense? What has God taught you about waiting? Do you feel like you are waiting for God to come through right now?