Daily Archives: April 6, 2011


Kind of laughed when I saw this…


Psalm 101

You know how a lot of the Bibles that are published have a little title line at the beginning of some portions of scripture? I’ve always thought of it as the “we will now kind of tell you the point of this next portion of scripture” line. Sometimes I think they just interrupt the flow of the story, but I found that I appreciated the line above Psalm 101 today.

In my Bible, it says “I Will Walk with Integrity” above the first verse. In this Psalm David, the author, writes about his dedication to God. He writes about his commitment to “walk with integrity of heart…” (verse 2). He describes a lot of things that he will do, but I think the significant thing is in verse one.

1I will sing of steadfast love and justice;
to you, O LORD, I will make music.

It struck me that the reason David would make proclamations about walking in integrity or cutting himself off from evildoers is because of his encounter with God’s love. Because he has been so impacted by God’s steadfast love and justice, he commits to walk with integrity. The way he lives becomes important because of God’s love for him…. So what about me? What about you?