Daily Archives: April 5, 2011

Where’d he go?

John 6:16-27

So what happens after Jesus feeds all those thousands of people? Well this passage gives us an idea. So read it, but think through it also.

What stands out to you? What would you have expected after the great food miracle? What do you think it would have been like to be a disciple in the boat? Or what would it be like to wake up the next morning and realize that Jesus somehow got to the other side of the lake? Because that would just be weird… and slightly confusing.

After reading this passage, this is what I was pondering: Why do I seek Jesus? Is it because of the “stuff” he gives me? Is it because I want to watch more signs like watching a magician at work? Or is it because I have fallen in love with Jesus himself? Do I want to be near Jesus because he is Jesus, or because he can do something for me? The “something” attracted me for sure… but have I grown beyond that? Do I love Jesus for Jesus or for Jesus’ “stuff?” What about you? What do you think?